Software architect - $105 thousand
Like with any IT-related job, there are many majors you can pursue if you wish to become a software architect. Software engineering, computer science, and even server management can suffice as being qualified for this position. It’s one of the fastest growing professions, with a projected growth rate of 17%.

As a software architect, your job will be to mediate between a client and software engineers. Together with a team, you will turn ideas, suggestions into functional software. For those with good listening and leadership skills, it’s an ideal job to pursue.
Engineering manager - $105 thousand
To compete for a position as an engineering manager, you need at least a Master’s Degree. Lots of universities offer programs which emphasize the importance of both management and engineering. After obtaining your degree, you will be skilled in both solving problems with engineering skills, as well as providing leadership.

Your duties will most likely be split between an on-hands approach and a modified leadership role. If you like to undertake lots of tasks, this job will make you both rich and happy.
Applications development manager - $104 thousand
And last, but not least, the ever-popular applications development career. The degree needed for this position can be in anything related to informational technology. Software development is seen as the most desirable major to pursue.