Software development manager - $108 thousand
Every software development manager needs to have practical knowledge. IT is a different niche than most others, as there aren’t strict requirements for formal education. You can major in IT or software development, but there are many managers who are self-taught.

To verify their knowledge, SDMs have obtained official degrees from internationally-recognized governing bodies. It will be your job to think of and execute new solutions for clients or a single employer. You will be tasked to make inter-employee communication easier, as well as implement automation.
Software engineering manager - $107 thousand
Smaller companies usually fuse the roles of a software engineer and software development manager. This means that you can also find a job with only a Bachelor’s Degree in the IT field, as well as official certificates on top of a high-school diploma.

Unlike development managers, software engineering managers focus more on the maintenance of programs and solutions. They explore ways to increase energy efficiency and prevent any unexpected malfunctions. It’s a dynamic, demanding, but very lucrative profession for all those who love active environments.
Nurse practitioner - $106 thousand
Do you enjoy working with people and helping them? If so, becoming a nurse practitioner might be just the career for you. You have to obtain at least a Master’s Degree from a certified Med School within the country if you wish to apply for a position. Generally, the studies and their length are much less demanding than those required to become a physician.