7 Foods That Might Be Damaging Your Kidneys

Kidneys do a tough job. Filtering and excreting waste products in the bloodstream is just the start. Your kidneys also maintain the body’s overall fluid balance as well as release hormones that make red blood cells, ensure bone health, and regulate blood pressure.

We put our kidneys through a lot, both knowingly and unknowingly, via diet, medications, and environmental toxins. The result can be a struggle with kidney cancer, stones, polycystic kidney disease or even kidney failure.
Some stresses on our kidneys can’t be helped, and because they are designed to handle toxins, we can trust that our kidneys are tough. But any organ can become overburdened and sustain damage.

You might be surprised to know how many foods can damage the kidneys, even seemingly healthy ones. Make sure you’re not overdoing it on any of the following 7 foods.

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